Online Bible Quiz

Online Bible Quiz

Welcome to the Online Bible Quiz! Challenge your knowledge of the Bible across various categories. Test yourself, learn something new, and see how well you know the scriptures. Let’s embark on this enlightening journey together!


1. The Bible Itself

1. What is the first book in the New Testament?

2. How many books are there in the standard Protestant Bible?

3. Who is traditionally considered the author of the first five books of the Bible?

4. What does the word "Testament" in "New Testament" mean?

5. Which of these is not one of the Gospels?

2. Creation

1. In the creation story, what did God create on the first day?

2. According to Genesis, what did God use to create Eve?

3. How many days did the creation process take according to Genesis?

4. What was the last thing God created before resting?

5. What did God say was "very good" after the creation?

3. Noah and the Flood

1. How old was Noah when the flood began?

2. What type of wood was the ark made from?

3. How many of each animal was Noah supposed to bring into the ark according to the more general command?

4. What was the sign of the covenant between God and Noah after the flood?

5. How long did it rain during the flood?

4. Birth of Jesus

1. In which town was Jesus born?

2. Who visited Jesus when he was born, according to the New Testament?

3. What was the name of the angel who announced the birth of Jesus to Mary?

4. Why did Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem?

5. What did the wise men follow to find Jesus?

5. Death and Resurrection of Jesus

1. Who sentenced Jesus to death by crucifixion?

2. What is the name of the place where Jesus was crucified?

3. On what day of the week was Jesus resurrected, according to Christian tradition?

4. Who first discovered the empty tomb of Jesus?

5. According to the New Testament, how many days did Jesus remain on earth after his resurrection before he ascended to heaven?

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